


Sankara Shastri is a devout and famous classical singer who finds a fan in Tulasi, a prostitute's daughter. She wants to devote herself to his service, but her mother wants her to become a prostitute.


Romance, Drama, Music




Actor Character
Somayajulu J V 'Sankarabharanam' Sankara Sastry
Manju Bhargavi Tulasi
Chandramohan Kameswara Rao (Kamudu)
Rajyalakshmi Sarada
Tulasi Sankaram
Allu Ramalingaiah Madhava
Nirmalamma Bamma
Sakshi Ranga Rao Gopalam
Janaki Cook

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Disclaimer: Some of the information on the article, including box office collection, cast, crew, and movie details, is sourced from IMDb. However, our reviews are based on our team's firsthand viewing experience and reflect our honest opinions about the movie.

Photo of Rampukar, author at RajyaSuchna.in

About the Author: Rampukar

Rampukar is an experienced and passionate movie reviewer with a strong academic background in film theory and media studies. He graduated in Mass Communication from Polygon College Kathmandu, where he honed his skills in understanding and analyzing cinema. Now he Write Movie reviews on MovieVerse.

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