


Set between the years 1958 and 1982, Matka tells the story of Vasu, who rises from poverty to create a powerful gambling empire in India, ultimately leading the nation into a battle with the government. Based on real events, the tale explores themes of love, moral choices, and the consequences of ambition.


Action, Crime




Actor Character
Varun Tej Vasu
Meenakshi Chaudhary Sujatha
Nora Fatehi Sophiya
Naveen Chandra Sahu
Ajay Ghosh Applareddy
Kishore Nani Babu
Mime Gopi
V. S. Roopa Lakshmi
Raj Tirandasu
Jagadeesh Bandari
Satyam Rajesh Prasad
P. Ravi Shankar Narayana Murthy
John Vijay Krishna Balaji

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Disclaimer: Some of the information on the article, including box office collection, cast, crew, and movie details, is sourced from IMDb. However, our reviews are based on our team's firsthand viewing experience and reflect our honest opinions about the movie.

Photo of Rampukar, author at RajyaSuchna.in

About the Author: Rampukar

Rampukar is an experienced and passionate movie reviewer with a strong academic background in film theory and media studies. He graduated in Mass Communication from Polygon College Kathmandu, where he honed his skills in understanding and analyzing cinema. Now he Write Movie reviews on MovieVerse.

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