
Bedurulanka 2012


Set in a small island village of Yedurulanka, faces the looming uncertainties of 2012, Shiva, a pragmatic youngster along with his girlfriend Chithra and friends, devise a scheme to disprove the end of the world theory and expose the plan by the trio of fake god-men, to fleece the people.


Comedy, Drama




Actor Character
Ajay Ghosh Bhushanam
Srikanth Iyengar Brahmam
Jabardasth Ramprasad Daniel
Kartikeya Gummakonda Shiva Sankara Vara Prasad
Rajkumar Kasireddy Kasiraju
Neha Shetty Chitra
Goparaju Ramana Venkata Gajapathi Raju
L. B. Sriram Preacher
Divya Narni Siri
Surabhi Prabhavathi Chitra's Mother
Getup Srinu Anchor
Vennela Kishore Kishore
Satya ONG
Kittayya Vara Prasad's Father
Anitha Nath Vara Prasad's Mother
BVS Ravi Film Producer
Kamal Krishna Film Director

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Disclaimer: Some of the information on the article, including box office collection, cast, crew, and movie details, is sourced from IMDb. However, our reviews are based on our team's firsthand viewing experience and reflect our honest opinions about the movie.

Photo of Rampukar, author at RajyaSuchna.in

About the Author: Rampukar

Rampukar is an experienced and passionate movie reviewer with a strong academic background in film theory and media studies. He graduated in Mass Communication from Polygon College Kathmandu, where he honed his skills in understanding and analyzing cinema. Now he Write Movie reviews on MovieVerse.

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